Saturday, 10 May 2014

Video - Create Facebook ad

Video - Create Facebook ad


let’s create an Ad using PicMonkey.
Step One:  Determine what photo you want to use.  Choose a high quality, bright photo, but one that doesn’t have too much going on, that it would distract from your message.  Also, please choose a photo that is complimentary to your marketing strategy, business or what you are trying to convey.
Step Two:  Open up PicMonkey in a separate window in your browser.  It will ask you right away what you want to do, choose, “Edit a Photo”.  This will then open up your computer, locate the photo and click “Choose”.
Step Three:  Now that the photo is in the window of PicMonkey, you can make any necessary edits, such as color, contrast, brightness etc.  Once you have the photo the way you like it, then click on “Resize”.  Facebook recommends using a photo that is 1200 x 627 pixels, but at least 600 pixels wide.  When resizing your photo, be sure to keep the box checked for “keep proportions” so your photo doesn’t get all wonky.  See below…

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Step Four:  In the PicMonkey Editor, click on the little Butterfly icon, and that will open the Overlays selections.  You can choose from a million different overlays, and can even choose “Your Own” to upload something you have, a logo etc.  I chose to use a circle overlay for this Ad.
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As with everything awesome PicMonkey, you can change the color of the overlay, the size, move it around on your photo and even change the “fade” of the overlay, so more of the photo beneath is exposed.  I tried to find a color that matched part of the flower for my overlay and chose to keep the fade set at 25%. (“hey PicMonkey, the eye dropper would be a great add for this!)
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Step Five:  Once you’ve positioned the overlay, you’ll want to add text on top of it.  Click on the “Tt” icon on the left editing panel.  And again, you’ll have plenty of text choices here!  I am crushing on“Playfair” and “Great Vibes” right now, and is what I chose for this Ad.
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Once you’ve chosen the font, a box will pop up and you can click on it to start typing.  Once you’ve finished typing, you can change the layout (I like centered for a circle…) the color of the font, and resize it by dragging the corners of the text box around.  I would suggest moving the text box over the overlay and see what size looks best.  Also, as you can see, I used two different fonts, so for the first text box, I just left enough room in the middle, to place the second font text box in between.
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Step Six:  Last step, I like to add a frame to my Ads.  It helps to “pop” your Ad off the page.  To get to the frames, click on the icon in the editing panel that looks like a picture frame.  Again, many choices to look through, but I usually end up using the “Simple Edge” frame.  I also usually remove the “inner color” and just stick with the one border.  I like how using a border makes your image stand out, but I don’t want to use too many colors & frames to make it distracting.  I set my frame thickness to “10″ typically.  (one note:  adding a frame, increases the size of your photo, so sometimes making the frame larger, will actually help to “show” the frame when you are using the photo for a profile pic or cover photo etc.)
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Congratulations!  You’ve just created a great Ad you can use on Facebook!  Quick note:  be sure to save your Ad (to your desktop for ease of grabbing) as a “PNG” file.  Facebook likes those better than a JPEG.
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Now you can click on Nick’s video and follow his steps for creating an ad on Facebook! 

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