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Showing posts with label Interviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interviews. Show all posts

Friday, 21 February 2014

Jobs - I am too old to be hired

  • The odds of landing a job are anyways small. 
  • But if you suggest that you can do an exceptional job
  • Control the agenda  - give them something else to think about that is more important
  • Influence the employer to think that you can make a material difference to their busines
The real challenge is to:
  • Give them a value proposition - that they cannot not afford to hire you
  • Give them a business plan
Employers want:
  • Experience
  • Work ethic
  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Where do you see yourself in five years

Career weblog Work Awesome advises that when answering stock questions to put together the research you've done on the company and the position, your knowledge of your own skills, and your motivation for a long-term commitment to craft an answer that paints you as ambitious but loyal. Here's their suggested template for a response:
"I've been a long admirer of [company] and the way it [does this / and that]. You have a real reputation for delivering excellent [services / products] – I even [used this / that] the other day! My skills in [marketing] have helped my current company achieve [this] and I believe that they'll transfer seamlessly to the role of [role x]. In five years' time I hope to still be with the business, perhaps even leading the [department] team, but I know that there will be many great internal opportunities that could be a good fit for my skillset and interests."
Keep in mind that you shouldn't make up ambitious goals if they don't reflect what you really want as we mentioned in another guide we covered on how to answer this and similar questions. Be yourself, just know going in what the company's business and culture are like and how they fit into your goals and skills.